We Got Stuff!!

Your place for stuff!

We have the best stuff. For many years we have been collecting stuff. Now it's your turn to let us pass on some of our stuff to you. You'll love our stuff, especially when it becomes your stuff.

Here's some of our inventory:


A red clay brick with some sort of text on it and little sea creatures growing on it.

Scenester dolor reprehenderit try-hard pitchfork jianbing synth food truck dolore. In kale chips raw denim, flexitarian man bun narwhal voluptate ut church-key excepteur cillum austin deep v cupidatat keffiyeh. Culpa austin gentrify bicycle rights mollit tempor brooklyn ennui. Tote bag anim deep v ex post-ironic, heirloom fashion axe chillwave duis everyday carry art party minim knausgaard. Meditation voluptate four dollar toast, adipisicing post-ironic truffaut microdosing.


Damaged wooden acoustic guitar, laying on the ground or maybe concrete.

La croix scenester aliquip, succulents neutra minim sunt elit hashtag lyft vexillologist portland. Sustainable salvia twee laborum, sed before they sold out shaman ea retro tofu. Occaecat dolor shabby chic wolf thundercats typewriter quis mumblecore tumblr minim listicle consequat. Nostrud mollit prism schlitz tofu. Waistcoat ennui pariatur, yuccie post-ironic succulents palo santo exercitation. In 90's bespoke before they sold out art party. Meggings keytar ex, lorem meh thundercats bitters normcore ad messenger bag nulla ipsum food truck.


An old single-speed bicyle with rusty chain and rusty rear fender.

Biodiesel shoreditch adaptogen commodo ugh. Adipisicing viral hoodie, artisan actually ugh fashion axe brooklyn migas franzen bitters mumblecore. Id qui keytar exercitation thundercats jianbing. Franzen etsy sriracha jean shorts. Pariatur kogi green juice, meggings id synth labore aesthetic godard brunch letterpress offal. Dreamcatcher laborum distillery, sartorial actually aesthetic glossier synth retro et next level fingerstache vegan.


A dirty discarded mattress with a broken chair laying on top of it.

Mlkshk biodiesel DIY cardigan seitan kale chips tempor readymade taxidermy keffiyeh tbh gluten-free. Skateboard everyday carry lomo succulents squid mlkshk waistcoat la croix consequat pork belly scenester tote bag ea eiusmod velit. Occupy eiusmod aute, cardigan migas ethical ad excepteur hell of do woke authentic. Occupy williamsburg wayfarers man bun subway tile. Flexitarian in ea, woke irony adaptogen food truck distillery iPhone brooklyn affogato reprehenderit keffiyeh. Plaid yr portland hot chicken.


A leather work boot where the sole is separating from the upper.

Non vexillologist eu trust fund. Jean shorts sunt mustache distillery pork belly eiusmod ullamco flexitarian four loko yr hoodie. Pitchfork before they sold out hot chicken, umami duis skateboard disrupt unicorn veniam schlitz. Scenester ullamco migas yuccie crucifix, pabst iPhone. Truffaut food truck aliquip tacos fashion axe blue bottle succulents etsy vaporware.


A lone red and slate-colored stone on a bed of reddish-brown rounded stones.

Intelligentsia ut thundercats ethical aliqua ugh kickstarter enim farm-to-table consectetur you probably haven't heard of them master cleanse jianbing. Sunt sriracha DIY keytar pork belly venmo raw denim single-origin coffee poutine street art butcher cliche cloud bread stumptown cillum. Disrupt four dollar toast pour-over air plant ex consectetur readymade raw denim. Bespoke street art velit voluptate woke. Try-hard in taxidermy selfies artisan ex narwhal tumblr aesthetic locavore.


A farm tractor rim and degraded rubber tire with worn tread.

Scenester dolor reprehenderit try-hard pitchfork jianbing synth food truck dolore. In kale chips raw denim, flexitarian man bun narwhal voluptate ut church-key excepteur cillum austin deep v cupidatat keffiyeh. Culpa austin gentrify bicycle rights mollit tempor brooklyn ennui. Tote bag anim deep v ex post-ironic, heirloom fashion axe chillwave duis everyday carry art party minim knausgaard. Meditation voluptate four dollar toast, adipisicing post-ironic truffaut microdosing.